
NYSFAAA was founded on a rich tradition of volunteerism. There are many committees to choose from. Whether you are interested in Government Relations, Mentoring, School Outreach, Novice, or something else, we have a job for you! Show your passion for NYSFAAA's work by volunteering today! 
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PURPOSE: To select worthy recipients of Achievement, Service, and other awards established by the Association, and to prepare for the presentation of these awards at the annual conference. To assist the regions with the selection of regional service award recipients, and provide information about the regional awards to the membership at the annual conference.

Dan Robinson, Co-Chair

Campus Director of Financial Aid
Pace University
Email: [email protected]


Scott Khare, Co-Chair

Associate Director Student Financial Services
and Veteran Affairs
Marist College
Email: [email protected]


Committee Members:
Chair - Kathy Flaherty
Region 1 - Troy Martin 
Region 2 - Susan Romano
Region 3 - Dawn Langdon
Region 4 - Bryan Kelly-Austin
Region 5 - Robert Zasso
Region 6 - Maria Delnnocentiis
Region 7 - Debra Evans
Region 8 - Robyn Rhyner

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PURPOSE: To facilitate effective communication between the Association, the membership and the public; and to oversee and make recommendations for creating, publishing, and maintaining an up-to-date, comprehensive website.

Howard Leslie, co-webmaster
Vice President of Financial Aid
Berkeley College
Email: [email protected]

Sean Sherwood
Associate Director
Binghamton University
Email: [email protected]

Mark Schaefer
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Dutchess Community College
Email: [email protected]

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PURPOSE: To plan, organize and execute all facets of the annual conference. There will always be more than one of these committees active at any time, planning in advance for upcoming conferences.



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PURPOSE: To be responsible for the fundraising activities of the Association.

Tami Gilbeaux, Chair
Strategic Business Director
Email: [email protected]

Committee Members:
Tom Dalton,  Edamerica

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PURPOSE:  Is responsible for ensuring the Organization is adhering to their DEI commitment of being a safe space organization for all its members and associates, and provide ongoing education on the topic.  The Committee will actively work to ensure that NYSFAAA provides a platform that is Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive, so all members feel accepted, empowered and safe.

Lyndsay Johnson, Chair
Associate Director
Stony Brook University
Email: [email protected] 

Committee Members:
Tanya Patterson-Stanley
Marisol Marrero
Cindy GarveyK

imberly Willis
Nora Bell-Owens
Wanda James
James Proctor

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PURPOSE: To serve as the Association’s election commission.

Patti Beers, Past President
Director, Financial Aid Operations
Binghamton University
[email protected]

Committee Members:
Region 1 - Nicole Griffo
Region 2 - Patrick Hennessey
Region 3 - Yadi Arana Burgos
Region 4 - Brian Smith
Region 5 - Dan Robinson
Region 6 - Michelle Bolton
Region 7 - Gene Rogers
Region 8 - Hannah Parker

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PURPOSE: To serve in support of the Treasurer’s accounting and recordkeeping functions, and to establish, present, review and recommend a fiscal year budget for NYSFAAA.

Rob Zasso, Chair
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Dutchess County Community College
Email: [email protected]

Committee Members:

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PURPOSE: Disseminate scholarship information and applications to all institutions of higher education in New York State. To review all scholarship applications and select the recipient(s) of the NYSFAAA Scholarship. To announce the scholarship recipient(s) and provide press release information. To work with the Development Committee to maximize donations to the NYSFAAA Scholarship Fund.

J'Dale Berner, MS, FAAC®, Co-Chair
Director of Financial Aid
Finger Lakes Community College

Daniella Steuer, Co-Chair
Financial Aid Advisor
Office of Financial Aid & Scholarship Services
Email: [email protected]

Committee Members:

Kimberly Radcliffe-Loor, Syracuse University
Erica Follick, St. Joseph's University
Stacey Hawkins, SUNY Canton
Heather Allen, SUNY Brockport
Terri Donnell, Suffolk County Community College-West Campus
Scott Atkinson, Retired, SUNY Brockport
Stephanie Drasba, Stony Brook University

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PURPOSE: The committee is to serve as an advisory committee to the President and Executive Council. It shall maintain the Association’s Statement of Principles; and to create, maintain, and promulgate standards of professional and ethical conduct for the Association and its membership. It shall also provide historical perspective on issues confronting the Association. The Committee is responsible for the Long Range Planning process, periodic review of the By-laws and Policies and Procedures Manual, and continuous monitoring of the activities of the Association to ensure that the Association is acting within the Constitution and By-laws.

Patti Beers
[email protected]

Committee Members:
Scott Atkinson
Howard Leslie

Tom Dalton 
Darrin Rooker

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PURPOSE: To monitor both federal and state government financial aid activities and to inform and educate the membership.

Christopher Barto, Chairperson
VP of Government Relations & Community Affairs
LIM College
[email protected]

Committee Members:

Clemente (Clem) LaPietra
Donna Gurnett
Eileen Flood, J.D.
Maria DeInnocentiis
Susan Nesbitt Perez


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PURPOSE: To identify and serve the needs of the Association members that work with graduate and professional students.

Darrin Rooker, Chair
New York Chiropratic College
Email - [email protected]

Committee Members:

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PURPOSE: To maximize the membership of the Association.

Lucila A Villaquiran, Chair
Associate Director of Financial Aid Compliance
Monroe College - Bronx
Email: [email protected]

Committee Members:
Region 1 Marianne Loper
Region 2 Keri Edsall
Region 3 Open
Region 4 Open
Region 5 
Courtney Boutot
Region 6 Lucy Villaquiran
Region 7 Barbara Hazard
Region 8 Mary Ellen Chamberlain
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PURPOSE: To encourage and support the active involvement of new members in the Association and to assist less-experienced members in growth toward leadership positions within the Association.

Amy Thompson, Co-Chair
St. Joseph's University

Email: [email protected]

Renee Nunziato
Suffolk County CC
Email: [email protected]

Committee Members:
Danielle Conway, Excelsior University
Shaun Hoff, SUNY New Paltz
Raquel Ramirez, St. Joseph's University
Ashley Ruszczyk, New York Medical College
Pamela Valdez, St. Joseph's University

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PURPOSE: To plan and implement the annual Novice Training Workshop

LaSonya Griggs
2023 Co-Chairperson
Higher Education Services Corporation
[email protected]

Lucy Villaquiran
2023 Co-Chairperson
Associate Director
of Financial Aid Compliance
Monroe College - Bronx
Email: [email protected]

Committee Members:
Lucy Villaquiran, Monroe College
Kerry Lubold, SUNY Plattsburgh
Dan Robinson, Pace University
Michael Turner, Higher Education Services Corporation
Amy Thompson, St. Joseph's University
Renee Nuziato, Suffolk Community College
Sue Mead, Retired - Dutchess Community College
Adrienne King, Bank Street College of Education
Perry Brown, College of Westchester
Scott Khare, Marist College
Sean Sherwood, SUNY Binghamton
Rob Zasso, Dutchess Community College
Danielle Emeny, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Christopher Johnson, Syracuse University
Denise Reis-Strachan, Onondaga Community College

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PURPOSE: To provide, oversee, and coordinate statewide training and professional development opportunities for the membership and other higher education personnel.

Kelly H Kelly, Co-Chair
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
LeMoyne College
[email protected]

Brian Smith, Co-Chair
Director of Financial Aid
SUNY Cobleskill
[email protected]

Linda Athearn-Forster
Senior Director, Student Financial Literacy and Technology
Berkeley College
[email protected]



Committee Members:
Lynn M Sabulski - Not Affiliated with an Institution
Perry G Brown - College of Westchester (The)}
Abigail A DeCastro - Clarkson University
Calvin Brian Ghanoo - Fordham University - Rose Hill Campus
Tristia Kayser - Columbia University
Robert Weinerman - Iron Bridge Resources
Rocky Weintrob - SUNY Binghamton University
Hail (Skaggs) Conrad - University of Rochester
Emmett Cooper - Bank Street College of Education
Lea Nuwer - Buffalo State

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PURPOSE: To coordinate and implement the efforts of the New York State Financial Aid Administrators Association (NYSFAAA) in a collaborative means designed to provide an awareness of the availability of financial aid options to students, parents, and school administrators. Develop, promote, and implement activities of an outreach nature to students and their families concerning the availability of financial aid and the application process. Educate the public on the options available to save or pay for college. Coordinate activities with other committees as appropriate.

Eugene Rogers, Co-Chair
Financial Aid Counselor
Molloy University
Email: [email protected]

Lisa Simpson, Co-Chair
NYS Higher Education Services Corp

Email: [email protected]

Amy Thompson, Co-Chair
St. Joseph's University

Email: [email protected]

Patrick Zeigler, Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]

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PURPOSE: To facilitate effective communication between the Association, the membership and the public. To ensure that NYSFAAA remains current, relevant and connected by utilizing the most recent technological and innovative methods possible. To assist the Association, its regions and its various committees and other constituents by providing technological means to assist with communication, information dissemination and training efforts.

Hali Conrad, Co-Chair
University of Rochester
Email: [email protected]

Ray Sykes, Co-Chair
Citizens Bank
Email: [email protected]

Mark Schaefer, Co-Chair
Dutchess Community College
Email: [email protected]

Committee Members:
Andrea Damar - SUNY Maritime
Calette Fagan-Murdock - Monroe College
Tristia Kayser - Columbia
Joli Patel - Berkeley College
Sean P Sherwood - SUNY Binghamton University
Brian Smith - SUNY Cobleskill
Sonya Stein - Paul Smiths College
Deidre Strutz - SUNY Brockport

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